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Shirreza Peanut Sesame Cream 400 gr

Sesame Cream
Sale By مجتمع صنایع غذایی شیررضا
Ready To Sale مجتمع صنایع غذایی شیررضا

Summary Shirreza Peanut Sesame Cream 400 gr

Sesame cream or tahini cream It is one of the popular and useful food products made from sesame seeds .​​ Sesame cream contains unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in vitamins .​​​​ E and is known as a rich source of nutrients for the health of the body . Since sesame cream has anti - inflammatory , antibacterial and antioxidant properties , consumption​​ It can help improve skin and hair health, reduce joint inflammation and maintain heart health.

Also , this product can help improve brain function and memory, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and increase energy and body endurance . Considering the beneficial properties of sesame cream and the nutrients in it , it is recommended to consider this product as a part of your diet .​​​​ ​By using sesame cream regularly , you can benefit from countless benefits for your body 's health and contribute to a healthy and energetic lifestyle .​​​​​​​​​ d .

The production of sesame cream in different flavors has satisfied different tastes and increased the per capita consumption of sesame in the country , especially among children .

It is necessary to explain that all production stages, from sesame import to peeling, roasting, grinding, etc., are done in this factory with the most modern machines, which results in 100% control of all production stages and a product of the highest quality. , will be available to you dear ones .
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Sesame cream or tahini cream It is one of the popular and useful food products made from sesame seeds .​​ Sesame cream contains unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in vitamins .​​​​ E and is known as a rich source of nutrients for the health of the body . Since sesame cream has anti - inflammatory , antibacterial and antioxidant properties , consumption​​ It can help improve skin and hair health, reduce joint inflammation and maintain heart health.

Also , this product can help improve brain function and memory, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and increase energy and body endurance . Considering the beneficial properties of sesame cream and the nutrients in it , it is recommended to consider this product as a part of your diet .​​​​ ​By using sesame cream regularly , you can benefit from countless benefits for your body 's health and contribute to a healthy and energetic lifestyle .​​​​​​​​​ d .

The production of sesame cream in different flavors has satisfied different tastes and increased the per capita consumption of sesame in the country , especially among children .

It is necessary to explain that all production stages, from sesame import to peeling, roasting, grinding, etc., are done in this factory with the most modern machines, which results in 100% control of all production stages and a product of the highest quality. , will be available to you dear ones .